Thursday, February 6, 2020

cloud infrastructure architect salary

How much does a cloud infrastructure architect make?

The average cloud infrastructure architect in the United States UU. Earn $ 100,000. Cloud Infrastructure Architects gets the most out of Los Angeles with $ 100,000, with an average total compensation of 0% higher than the US average. UU.

Salary ranges for cloud infrastructure architects

Salaries for cloud infrastructure architect salary in the United States UU. They range from $ 85,000 to $ 115,000, with an average salary of $ 100,000. On average, 67% of cloud infrastructure architects earn $ 100,000, while the top 67% earn $ 115,000.

How much will you have to pay as a cloud infrastructure architect?

For a single member of this tax group, he would have an average federal tax estimated in 2018 of 24%. After eliminating a 24% federal tax rate, cloud infrastructure architects could expect to receive a net payment of $ 81,711 / year, each paycheck being approximately $ 3,405 *.

* assuming a two month payment period. Taxes estimated using tax rates for a single registrant using the federal and state tax tables for 2018. Specific taxes on meters are not taken into account in the calculations. These data are intended to be an estimate and not a normative financial or tax advice.

Quality of life for the architect of the cloud infrastructure

With a net payment of around $ 6,809 / month and an average rental price of a 2BR apartment of $ 2,506 / month **, a cloud infrastructure architect would pay 36.8% of his monthly rental salary.